Using Carbide

Once you have a Carbon application or library set up you can begin using the features that Carbide adds to Lua.

Carbide Lua is a direct superset of Lua, implementing features in 'levels' that add various functionality at the compiler level. Files that end in a .clua extension are Carbide Lua files.

Features and Levels

The following levels and features are exposed by Carbide Lua:

  • Level 1:
    • Bang methods for in-place operations (object:Bang!() translates to object:BangInPlace())
    • Increment operator (number++ translates to number = number + 1, properly handles sub-expressions)
    • Mutating operators (number += 2 translates to number = number + 2, properly handles sub-expressions)
      • Supported operators: +=, -=, *=, /=, ^=
    • Direct Arrow Notation (DAN) for array lookups (print(vec2->x, vec2->y) translates to print(vec2[1], vec2[2]))
      • Similar to GLSL's vector member lookups
      • Supports the following sets of lookups:
        • (x, y, z, w)
        • (r, g, b, a)
        • (s, t, p, q)
        • (u, v)
      • Lookups can be mixed (print(vec2->x, vec2->r, vec2->y) translates to print(vec2[1], vec2[1], vec2[2]))
      • Lookups can be chained (print(vec3->xyz) is the same as print(vec3->x, vec3->y, vec3->z))
      • Lookups can swizzle (print(color3->gbr is a fast way to switch around a color)


Carbide also exposes a set of directives to control the flow of compilation.

Directives can appear in any place in the file, they affect compilation globally.

    • Denotes that this file uses the given Carbide feature level
    • Enables the templating engine for inline metaprogramming.
    • Templates can output Carbide Lua and it will be parsed correctly.
  • #TEMPLATE_LEVEL <level>
    • Lets the templating engine know what level of templates to use.
    • Default: #TEMPLATE_LEVEL 0
  • #COMPILE_TO <target>
    • Ouputs the source to a given target.
      • stdout writes out using print.
      • Other values write out to files.

Using Carbide Features

Carbide's additions can be very helpful, especially when working with vectors:

local Carbon = (...)
local Vector2 = Carbon.Math.Vector2
local Vector3 = Carbon.Math.Vector3

local vec2 = Vector2(0, 0)
print(vec2) --> (0, 0)

-- Increment the x component

-- Add 2 to the y component
vec2->y += 2

print(vec2) --> (1, 2)

-- Normalize the vector in-place using bang notation

print(vec2) --> (0.447214, 0.894427)

-- Reinitialize the vector with zero values
vec2:Init(0, 0)
print(vec2) --> (0, 0)

print(vec2->x, vec2->y) -- 0    0
print(vec2->u, vec2->v) -- 0    0

-- Reverse the vector in-place

-- Initialize a Vector3 with a Vector2 and an extra value
local vec3 = Vector3(vec2->xy, 3)

-- Collapse this Vector3's Y/Z down into a Vector2

Using Templates

Carbide Lua files using the template features can use inline templates to enable metaprogramming within the metaprogramming. This can be humorously referred to as (meta-)+programming.

For example:


    print("This is run at compile time!")

            print("This is run in a compile-time template at compile time!")

                print("This is run at run time!")

When compiled, the code will output:

This is run at compile time!
This is run in a compile-time template at compile time!

When run, the code will output:

This is run at run time!