
(in ./Carbon/Math/Matrix3x3.lua)

A 3x3 row-major matrix.

Inherits Math.Matrix


object public Matrix3x3:Orthonormalize([Matrix3x3 out])

Returns Matrix3x3

  • optional out: Where to put the resulting data, a new matrix if not given.

Orthonormalizes the rotation matrix, optionally outputting data into an existing Matrix3x3.

object public Matrix3x3:Orthonormalize!()

Returns self

object public Matrix3x3:OrthonormalizeInPlace()

Returns self

Orthonormalizes the matrix in-place.

object public Matrix3x3:ToLooseQuaternion()

Returns loose<Quaternion>

Converts the Matrix3x3 into a loose-form Quaternion.

object public Matrix3x3:ToQuaternion()

Returns Quaternion

Converts the Matrix3x3 into a Quaternion.

