
(in ./Carbon/Functional.lua)

Provides an interface for functional programming.


class public Functional.All(table objects)

Returns bool

  • required objects: The values to check for truthiness.

Returns whether all the values in the table are truthy.

class public Functional.AllTuple(...)

Returns bool

  • required ...: The values to check for truthiness.

Returns whether all the values in the tuple are truthy.

class public Functional.Any(table objects)

Returns bool

  • required objects: The values to check for truthiness.

Returns whether any one of the values in the table is truthy.

class public Functional.AnyTuple(...)

Returns bool

  • required ...: The values to check for truthiness.

Returns whether any one of the values in the tuple is truthy.

class public Functional.Filter(function bool method(any value), list list)

Returns list

  • required method: The method to use for filtering. Takes in a valid and returns whether it should stay.
  • required list: The list of values to filter over.

Uses a function to filter a list of values.

class public Functional.Map(function any method(any value), list list)

Returns list

  • required method: The method to use for mapping. Takes in a value and returns a transformed version of it.
  • required list: The list of values to map over.

Uses a function to perform a mapping of values.

class public Functional.Range(number a, number b)

Returns list

  • required a: The number to start at.
  • required b: The number to end at.

Creates a range in the form of a list.

class public Functional.Reduce(function T method(T total, T current), list list)

Returns T

  • required method: The method to use for reduction. Accepts the total and the current value, returns the new total.
  • required list: The list of values to reduce over.

Performs a reduction over the list with the given function.

class public Functional.Unpack(table object)

Returns tuple

  • required object: The table to unpack.

Unpacks the table into a tuple. The same as unpack and table.unpack.

class public Functional.ViewReverse(list list)

Returns userdata

  • required list: The list to create a view for.

Creates a view that returns all values of the list reversed.

