
(in ./Carbon/_.lua)

This is the Carbon core, containing all other modules and some utilities.


class public Carbon:ImportCore()

Returns void

Imports Carbon's core utilities into the current file for use.

Presently imports Async, Assert, Error, IsObject, and LoadString.

class public Carbon.Assert(bool condition, [string message])

Returns void

  • required condition: The condition to assert.
  • optional message: The message to throw if the assertion fails.

Asserts, like Lua's assert, but calls tostring on the message explicitly.

class public Carbon.Async(function method)

Returns coroutine

  • required method: The method to get an asynchronous form of.

Returns a version of the given function that is async.

Presently an alias for Lua's coroutine.wrap, but this may change in the future.

class public Carbon.Error(...)

Returns void

  • required ...: Arguments to pass to Lua's error function.

Throws an error, calling tostring on the message explicitly.

class public Carbon.IsObject(any object)

Returns bool

  • required object: The object to check

Returns whether the given object is a valid Carbon object.

class public Carbon.LoadString(string source, [string chunkname, table environment])

Returns function

  • required source: The source code to compile into a function.
  • optional chunkname: The name of the chunk to reference if the method returns an error.
  • optional environment: The environment to load the function into.

Loads a function with a given environment. Essentially backports Lua 5.2's load function to LuaJIT and Lua 5.1.


public list Carbon.Version

Contains the current version in the form {major, minor, revision, status}.

public string Carbon.VersionString

Contains a string version of the current version in the form "major.minor.revision-status".